Sunday, September 4, 2011



We've just passed 500 views!!!! I know it was a little slow getting here due to my very irregular posting habits, but now I've had over 500 views. Even though I know that this is still a small number of views in the blog realm, it means a lot to me. I love following my audience stats and seeing where my readers are from--so much in fact that I've added a live traffic feed to the left so everyone can see how diverse the audience is.

It's so cool to me that I've had people read my blog from Jamaica, Argentina, Germany, Canada, and even Australia!! I'd like to thank you all (that might be the first time I've ever said you all instead of yall) for reading, sharing, and commenting on my blog! 

Let's see how quickly we can reach 1000 ;)


  1. Kenya,

    I really like your blog and in the short time I've poked around, I've learned a few helpful Spanish words and also that shorter, more consistent posts are "funner" to read. Yes, I wrote funner. I'm sticking with it.

    I'm in the same program as you and will be in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia). I am behind in all things (little to no Spanish acquisition, haven't received my visa yet, and no flight booked... aye). It's all gravy.

    Anyway, congrats and keep writing. I'll keep up with your blog and hope the best for you... it's getting close, eh?? :)


  2. Hi Audrey!

    Thanks for checking out my blog, and thanks for your support! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your encouraging words. I've heard Galicia is one of the most beautiful regions in Spain so I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


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